Birthing in the 3rd world: The story of a pregnant stowaway

May 29, 2012

The story of a pregnant stowaway

Israel Onugha came to Uruguay about 5 years ago as a stowaway on a ship that left Nigeria with four other Nigerians. At that time he was just 18. He dreamed of a better future and study somewhere where they have better opportunities than Nigeria. They were discovered at sea and delivered to the authorities in Montevideo, where the ship finally made port. At that time, shelters and social organizations managed to start the process of residence, which he never ended.Sally Arewa left Nigeria about three years ago, she was suffering religious persecution because she had converted to Catholicism. She managed to raise some money for the plane ticket and came to Uruguay as a tourist. Of course, undocumented, without work, without knowing the language and without any reference contact.Soon after they met in Montevideo, she realized she was pregnant. Very frustrated they went to Brazil looking forward for a better job, and thinking that in a much larger country they would be luckier.
In Brazil, everything got worse. None of the two had documents and so they were unable to find work or housing. They had a long time of great difficulty and poor feeding. Sadly their baby died shortly after birth.Soon they discovered she was pregnant again and decided to return to Uruguay. But since they arrived nothing has been easy.They went for birth control and met Sylvia, a midwife from "NacerMejor". This is how this story came to light.One of the times they went for birth control, Sylvia found out they had been eaten just bread and water for 3 days. 

Every effort is being made to help them get residence papers, so they could use social benefits. Right now every help is welcome.

You can learn more of Sally and Israel situation on NacerMejor Facebook.

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